A New Beginning
You come to a beautiful place, reminding you of the gardens of Japan. A stone bridge goes over a small pond, small round bushes are scattered here and there, and all over are cherry trees, their white blossoms in full bloom. In the distance you see satyrs either frolicing or lounging around, playing their reed pipes and filling the air with their tranquil music. You see a beautiful mare with large butterfly like wings sitting next to the pond. She stands and walks over to you when she notices you, and says in a voice like the beat of a butterfly's wings, "Hello. Welcome to my home. My name is SilentDance. What's yours?" You say your name and she smiles kindly before flying over to a tree, this one bearing fruit, and begins stomping the cherries out. As you share the fruit you take a moment to enjoy the peace of this beautiful place. A while later the bat lays a wing on your arm and announces that it's time to leave. You part with a friendly hug and a kind smile, feeling calm and serene as never before.