A New Beginning
You come to a beach with an excellent view of the ocean. There are high waves here and they throw up a lot of sea foam. The bat shouted at the water, "Hey Waves! I want you to meet someone!" You wonder why she's yelling at water before you notice a part of the wave is breaking off and moving towards you. As it gets closer, you realize it is a multi-blue colored stallion. No wonder you didn't notice him! He blended in perfectly. He rears up on his back legs excitedly. "Hello! I'm Paint. It's so nice to meet you! What's your name!" You took a step back when he reared back, and another for each sentence he said afterwards. Very energetic this one. You quickly get out your name before he can say anything else and he begins prancing in place when he hears it. "That name is great! Wanna play a game? Let's play hide and seek. I'll hide. Ready? Go!" With that he turned and ran to the water where he would blend in best. You watch him go with a look of surprise on your face before turning to the bat and saying the first thing that came to mind. "I thought his name was Waves." She gets an understanding grin on her face. "Nickname. I don't feel like the bond is complete until I've nicknamed them." You nod in understanding before realizing that this is your chance to escape an endless game of hide and seek. You quickly say your next destination. "Alrighty then. Let's go."