A New Beginning
Gender: Female
Affinity:Forest Song
Circle: The Hallowed Eve
From: sionayra
You follow the bat into what can only be described as a giant garden. There were all kinds of plants growing everywhere: flowers; vegetables; fruits, etc. Interspersed here and there were shrubs shaped like all the serians you just met along with one shaped like the bat. And in the very center on a large bed of clover, a lovely orange serian lay curled up, seemingly asleep. Until she picked her head up, that is. She smiles at you and calls out, "Hey, how's it going?" in a friendly tone. You give your answer and ask what she had been doing. She smiles a little dreamily and answers, ''Listening. The flora have as much to say as the fauna if you know how to listen." Suddenly a large swarm of butterflies flitter over and settle around the mare. You look surprised so the bat whispers to you, "These are Pumpkin's companions. They help her pollinate her plants." You smile at the sweet sight (and the fitting name), then ask for a tour. She happily shows you all around her garden, even the moon flowers that the buterflies sleep in. You have a grand time, and after saying goodbye, ask the bat to lead you out with your head more full of plant facts than you could have dreamed possible.