A New Beginning
You come to a secluded cove and hear beautiful singing coming from somewhere, and you find yourself fighting the urge to find it as fast as you can. It suddenly cuts off and you feel your head clearing, but your heart longing for its' return. You look around and notice a mare as beautiful as the singing sitting by the shore. She gazes at you in cautious fear, before noticing your gaze and hiding behind her lovely hair. Her body was soft green and just as soft purple with a deep blue mane and what appeared to be a dragon tail. No sneaking up on her then! The bat flies over and whispers to her. You can't hear what she says but the pretty mare lifts her head and looks at you shyly. "My name is Sirensong," she says softly before she begins to sing again. You close your eyes and listen as the beautiful sound envelops you. You can't help but notice how sad it is and that combined with it's beauty brings tears to your eyes. You sit a few feet away and the bat is curled up in Sirensong's hair as you both just sit and listen. eventually she stops and you all just sit together in silence as the last notes fade from the air. You blink back your tears and ask if you could leave. She just nods and flies up, leading you away. Both of you ignore the fact that you're both trembling.