A New Beginning
You walk between two tall, proud oaks and into twilight. To your right is the sunset, and to your left are the stars. And in front of you is a beautiful black mare covered in red stars. She shimmered with light so much she had rainbows on her in places. She stood tall and proud and it's such a shock after the others you've met that you instantly respect her. She approaches and says in a voice full of confidence and pride, "Hello Moony. Who is this?" The bat grins and says "Shadowstar, this is... this is... um.... What was your name again?" You say your name, subconsciously giving a slight bow. She smiles softly and turns to the bat. "Do you trust them?" The bat grinned and said "If they survived being here this long, why shouldn't I?" The shining mare gives a little head bob, as if to say 'good point'. She returns her attention to you before inviting you to come sit and watch the stars with her. You sit together in a comfy patch of grass as fireflies start to fly around. At least, you think they're fireflies until one gets close to you. You then realize it is actually a small pixie. They give off light just like the mare, and they giggle. Alot. "Hey!" You turn to see them rubbing against the bat's soft feather-fur. "Stop it! That-ah-tickles!" the bat shouted in between giggles. Shadowstar lets out a laugh of her own and you can't help but join in. This mare was really nice, and you wonder how you ever could have thought she wasn't. Shadowstar grins at you before saying, "You guys should probably go before the bat starts molting." You return the grin and tell Moony where you want to go now. She shakes off the last of the pixies, before quickly flying ahead. "Alrighty then, rollin' rollin' rollin'! Rollin' rollin' rollin' rawhiiiiide~ You just follow, shaking your head as Shadowstar's laughter rings through the night.